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Jun 29 2020

Enterprise Compressor Station marks 65 years with no lost time

Posted by TC Energy

安全是堪萨斯州企业压缩机站工作团队的首要任务, as it is for many teams across the massive ANR Pipeline system. 但企业号团队65年来零安全事故损失时间的记录证明,他们言行一致.

Back in 1990, Enterprise celebrated its already remarkable 35th 没有员工因工伤而缺勤的周年纪念日. At the time, the legacy impressed Bruce Hageman, 然后是团队的新成员,现在是弗林特山地区的经理. The Flint Hills Area is in the southwest region of the ANR system; it spans from the Oklahoma-Kansas border, through Kansas, into southwest Missouri. In his 30 years at Enterprise, 布鲁斯积累了几十年的经验了解了这个团队是如何保持其卓越的安全标准的.

“It was evident to me, even within the first six months, that I was in a different culture than I had previously been in,” Bruce says. “The difference is that everyone on the team had a consistent, real intent to make sure another guy didn’t get hurt. It was never about only looking out for yourself; it’s about watching out for each other’s safety.”

Bruce also points to clear, 团队成员之间的积极沟通是实现65年不浪费时间的关键. 多年来,布鲁斯的同事们总是不畏困难地分享他们对特定设备的知识,以尽量减少对同伴的风险. “They would come up to you and say, ‘Hey, that thing has a tendency to do this, so you should be aware.’”

Similarly, 企业团队通过分享过去的经验来计划最安全的方式来承担不同的任务. Bruce notes, “当我们坐下来讨论做一个项目或做一份工作时, 每个人都在谈论他们多年来看到的可能会给你带来麻烦的不同事情.”

企业号卓越安全记录的最后一块拼图, according to Bruce, is a culture of integrity. Given his 30 years at Enterprise, 布鲁斯一开始和他共事的人都退休了. But, even as the individuals on the team come and go, the shared values of integrity, 尊重和协作一直是企业团队的核心文化.

当有新成员加入我们的团队时,他们会意识到我们一直在一起工作. 然后他们接受这种正直的文化,因为我们真的已经成为一个单位,每个人都喜欢在一起工作.”

Bruce Hageman
TC Energy, Manager of Flint Hills Area